Conserving Our Environment for Pennsylvania's Future
This presentation will describe the Philadelphia Water Department's approach to PFAS, a group of chemicals that is affecting all aspects of the water industry. After some brief background information on PFAS compounds, the talk will focus on steps PWD has taken to characterize PFAS in source water, plan for drinking water MCL compliance, communicate with customers, navigate wastewater and residuals, and pilot treatment technologies.
Presenter: Matthew Fritch manages the Watershed Protection Program for the Philadelphia Water Department. His work focuses on protecting the rivers and streams that are the source of drinking water for 1.6 million people in the city of Philadelphia. He has also specialized in developing remote sensor networks and STEM education programs for PWD. He holds a BS in Environmental Engineering from Drexel University and a BA in Journalism from Temple University.
Registration Deadline: December 6, 2024
Note: Registration is for one entrant. Any other individuals who would like to join this session are required to complete their own registration forms. The registration fee is set per person, not per connection.
PAEP Members - Webinars are free to current members but you will still need to register.
Non-Members – the fee for the webinar is $20 per person.
Government/Agency - the fee for webinar is $10 per person.
Registrants will be sent an email confirming registration with log in information to event . You will also get another email closer to the date of the event, providing information on how to join the webinar.
“The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals aims to promote environmental education, research, planning, assessment, review, and management through the formation and operation of a nonpolitical multidisciplinary professional society.” The content of our webinar series is not developed by PAEP, but by the presenters themselves.
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